Solar energy is important for many reasonsand has great positive impact on environment. Solar / Photovoltaic devicesconvert light from sun into usable form of electrical energy. These mainlyconsist of PV modules, module mounting structures, inverters, batteries,monitoring devices etc. The system is further classified as Grid Connect (wherethe energy from PV system is fed into the Utility Grid) and Off-grid (where theenergy generated by the PV system is stored and used when required) and Hybrid(Mere multiple sources are used for generation of power including conventionalsources and utility). The proposed system is a Grid Connect system. As the namesuggest, Solar Grid Interactive solutions work in tandem with grid electricity,or in some cases in

reference with another constant electricalenergy source like diesel generators. The systems are designed to reduce energyconsumption from the DISCOM, and hence directly help in reducing the energybills. 

About Us

Akshay Wadganokar


MY SOLAR PLANT introducing innovative technology in thefield of solar energy from 2014. The company is directed by its team ofexperienced professionals, specialized in the areas of Renewable Energies. MYSOLAR PLANT’s team of dedicated professionals committed to customers anddealers satisfaction in the field of Solar Energy all over the India. We arespecialized in domestic as well as industrial energy audits to meet thecustomer's expectation as per their need.

MY SOLAR PLANT is one of the biggest emergingmanufacturers of solar equipment in India. Our products include DC DistributionBox, AC Distribution Box, Solar Home light Systems, Solar Lanterns, SolarStreet Lights, Solar Battery Chargers, Solar Hoarding Light, Solar Power Packand Solar Water Heating System (ETC) with the several ranges. MY SOLAR PLANTalso accepts the industrial as well as domestic projects as per theirrequirement and executes it within time with non-compromising quality.

MY SOLAR PLANT is one of the companies which canprovide genuine solar products and solar panel ranges from 2Watt to 450Watt(IEC Approved)

MY SOLAR PLANT also has the Central India's onlymanufacturing unit for Solar Water Heater with semi-automatic production line.

MY SOLAR PLANT cultivating its business networkthrough its manufacturing unit at Nagpur and own sales and service supportoffices across the Maharashtra. MY SOLAR PLANT’s registered head office islocated in Nagpur and sales and service support network at Nagpur, Bahndara,Yawatmal, & Digras, Pusad, Darvha, Gangwani Traders aiming to establishmore offices by the end of 2020.

MY SOLAR PLANT is authorized system integrator andchannel partner for MEDA and MNRE for entire India.